At hireful, recruitment is our thing. We might be a smaller company (70 staff and counting), but what we lack in size, we make up for in recruitment knowledge (and a whole load of helpfulness).
We’ve been to pretty much every UK recruitment event you could possibly imagine, and whilst these events are exciting…they’re not always that relevant to the everyday recruiter, working on their own or as part of a small team trying to recruit with a limited budget.
So; several ‘ok-ish’ recruitment events and lots of bright ideas later… sub1000 was born - the only recruitment conference and community for organisations making under 1000 hires a year (although everyone is welcome here).
I guess you could say there’s a special place in our hearts for the everyday organisations battling for the best talent in the market.
As we look to ‘build back better’ (whatever that means) after the COVID-19 pandemic it will be these organisations that provide the real jobs growth in the economy. So we want to give this community a voice, and the chance to come together and hear from peers — many of whom are not typically invited to talk at conferences, but have some great knowledge to share.
Be sure to sign up for alerts, so you can save your space when registrations open. 🙌
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