Our next sub1000 event is 16th and 17th November 2022!
We'll be talking about inclusive recruitment, and attracting talent. View the line up and register here.

candidate experience in the spotlight (5 steps to safeguard your brand).

Stuart Jones
UK&I Country Manager at The Circle Back Initiative


For years, lack of feedback has been a leading complaint from candidates, with the pandemic unfortunately seeing a marked rise in the number of candidates complaining of ignored job applications or, worse, being ‘ghosted’ later in the process. It’s an unacceptable situation, doing untold damage to employer brands as well as candidate mental wellbeing. Stuart looks at 5 practical steps you can take to protect the candidate experience – and safeguard your brand.

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looking for the notes to this talk?

other talks from the event.

grand designs: building an awesome onboarding experience (on a budget) – recruiter roundtable discussion.

Take me there

talent management strategies for a virtual world.

Take me there

candidate experience in the spotlight (5 steps to safeguard your brand).

Take me there


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